Frequently Asked Questions For

Missional Health

FAQ 01

What are the requirements?

NYC Pastors and their designated leaders are welcome to apply. Priority is given to planters who have successfully completed the Incubator program and churches receiving City Renewal Funds.

FAQ 02

What’s the time commitment? What does the schedule look like?

The time commitment depends on the particular cohort, but generally range from monthly 2-hour sessions for 5 sessions to 90 minute weekly sessions for 6 weeks. Community Engagement Cohort sessions are offered in the evenings. Missional Discipleship and Spiritual conversations are offered in the daytime as well as the evening.

FAQ 03

How do I apply?

For Community Engagement, contact Al Santino. For Missional Discipleship and Spiritual Conversations, contact Jennifer Chan.

FAQ 04

What are the fees?

There is no application fee. Once accepted however, we ask participants to attend all sessions, completing all pre and homework assigned.

I still have questions. Can I talk with someone from the City to City team about this?