A Beautiful Life as a Case for Christ

In his book How to Reach the West Again, Dr. Keller gives a thoughtful and comprehensive analysis of the missional challenges the Christian church faces today—as well as the multidimensional responses needed to address these challenges.

Romancing Your City

The following article is an excerpt of Reframation: Seeing God, People, and Mission Through Reenchanted Frames, a new book by Alan Hirsch and Mark Nelson on reframing our worldview to enlarge our perception of God and the gospel. In quite possibly the most painfully excruciating eight minutes of film ever recorded, Prince Charles (Prince of Wales […]

Don’t Waste Your Preaching: An Interview with Jordan Rice

City to City: How would you define “contextualization”? Jordan Rice: I would define contextualization as using the gospel to answer the questions that people actually have—to approach a text first seeking Biblical truth and a commitment to what God has revealed to us in scripture; then, answering the questions that people actually are asking in […]

Following Jesus in the City

New York City presents serious challenges to the church’s call to discipleship. Shallow relationships are the norm. Work demands almost every ounce of a person’s time and energy. Hyper-transience cuts off the possibility of communal roots. And personal identity is defined by what you accomplish, leading people to completely immerse themselves in work and creative […]