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Together for the City
The following excerpt is from Neil Powell and John James’ new book, Together for the City, a groundbreaking story of a group of churches who decided to work together to reach their city like never before.
Romancing Your City
In quite possibly the most painfully excruciating eight minutes of film ever recorded, Prince Charles (Prince of Wales and heir
Why is Coaching Church Planters Important?
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”
Ministry at the Heart of an NYC Summer
In New York City, summer is a time when our communities are bustling with activity.
First Steps Towards Gospel-Shaped Worship (Part 2)
In Part 1 of this post, I suggested that when a worship service is shaped by the gospel, a church doesn’t need to decide between edifying existing Christians and evangelizing to non-Christians.
What Gospel-Shaped Worship Enables (Part 1)
I remember asking myself that question as a second-year seminary student. Clearly, the goal of worship is to glorify God, first and
The Gospel and Race: An Interview with Jordan Rice
Last year, Jordan Rice led his church through a series on the gospel and race.
How Do We Reach a Global Generation?
When I was in Seoul for the first time last year, I witnessed what may be the biggest challenge of reaching the next generation
A Letter to Pastors Like Me
As a church planter turned pastor, I’m tempted to believe almost anything about myself.
Learning to Fail
Over a period of 12 years, I planted two churches in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Don't Waste Your Preaching: An Interview with Jordan Rice
Jordan Rice: I would define contextualization as using the gospel to answer the questions that people actually have—to
Defining a Gospel Movement
It is common for Christian ministries, indeed for human organizations, to claim to be a movement
The Top Ten Things the Woman Married to Your Pastor Wants You to Know
What misconceptions do people have about the pastor’s wife?
Shaping an Imagination for Faith and Work: An Interview with Russell Joyce
Integrating faith and work is rarely a priority in the early stages of church planting.
Repairing the Breaches: An Interview with José Humphreys
What does it take to really understand the hopes and hurts of the people your church serves?
Following Jesus in the City
New York City presents serious challenges to the church’s call to discipleship. Shallow relationships
Gifts from Worshipping in a Multiethnic Urban Church
When we moved from Arkansas to New York City, we settled in Washington Heights in Upper Manhattan.
Missional Mishaps in Contextualization
In my travels to preach the gospel in almost every major city across the country, I have witnessed