Evangelism Learning Cohort
Evangelism Learning Cohort
Cohort led by practitioners to further equip church planters, pastors, and support ministry leaders.
In our evangelism learning cohort, we invite leaders to first (re)center Jesus in their own lives and communities and offer practical ways they can strengthen the spiritual conversation “muscles” in their congregations. The end goal is that church leaders will be able to create environments where their church families can grow in ‘speaking’ the good news even in the face of fear and a shifting cultural climate.
What to Expect
5 training sessions over 5 months
Input from experienced practitioners
Assignments to put teaching into practice
Personalized coaching for you and your team
Support in establishing an evangelism team/initiative at your church
This cohort requires a commitment by you along with 2-3 fellow leaders to attend all 5 sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions
Matthew 28 calls us to make disciples, yet many of us struggle to open our mouths about our hope in Christ. We may fear rejection, feel inadequate, or just prefer to leave evangelism to the experts who always seem to know what to say. In this cohort, we'll exercise our "spiritual conversation" muscles together, and learn how ministry leaders like yourselves can help
Support people in a lifestyle of evangelism and
Create a wider culture where everyone has a role to play in evangelism and disciple-making
Church planters and pastors seeking to strengthen the evangelism practice in their church community, beginning with themselves.
Graduates of the Incubator Program are given priority.
There is no financial cost to participate in the Learning Cohort. However, we ask that participants count the cost in time and commitment to completing assignments.
Participants should dedicate time to attend at least 4 of the 5 group sessions as well as a monthly coaching call of approximately 30 minutes.
A gospel-centered vision of mission, evangelism and disciple-making.
Useable and transferable tools and frameworks for training people to begin and sustain fruitful spiritual conversations.
An approach to creating a church environment where people are activated.
“This has been an experience that has made me grow in ways I didn’t think I could.”
“Hearing the excitement of other cohort members as they talk about evangelism has been the most impactful part of the experience.”
“I’m learning that remaining in Jesus is crucial for evangelism–and the whole Christian life!”
“I plan to talk with my church leaders about the difference in excitement about evangelism in the people in this cohort vs our average congregant.”
“Our session challenged me to pause and rest in the freedom and confidence created by recognizing God's role in drawing people to himself.”
“We will continue to discuss all that we learn in our core cohort of leaders. We are also looking for ways to be more missionally minded as a church community, so this experience will be used as a catalyst to start a team who can change culture.”
“I plan on implementing what was discussed by recognizing the immensity of God’s grace in my life and humbling myself before God and being willing to not only listen, but also understand people in order to love them.”
Reach out to us if you’re interested in getting a free evangelism consultation with a member of our team by visiting our Contact page.
To learn more, contact [email protected]
Evangelism Cohort Schedule: Spring 2025
Spring 2025 Cohorts meet monthly:
In-person Mondays 6:30pm-9pm | Online 7pm-9pm.
Session topics include the following:
Staying Near Jesus: Living as “Sent” People*
Becoming Spiritual Detectives
Having Spiritual Conversations
The Gospel as Invitation
Creating Culture and Structure*
*In-Person Sessions.
Attendance Policy:
Reach out to Teaching Assistant Andrew Bertodatti if you foresee any issues in attending a session. Due to the limited number of sessions, those who miss more than one session may be asked to re-enroll when they can fully commit to at least four of the five sessions.