NY Leadership Development Center
NY Leadership Development Center

Overview & Vision
A New Space for Gospel Movement
The NY Leadership Development Center, funded by the New York Project, will be a dynamic space providing hospitality and a center for our community of ministry leaders and church planters.
The Center
We are pleased to announce that City to City is joining forces with Redeemer East Side in the construction of the building. City to City will own three floors within the building which will become the NY Leadership Development Center. This Center will allow City to City to further lean into equipping and serving the church planting movement in New York City. We are so excited to finally have permanent space for our training programs and our work in connecting with ministry leaders and their communities.
The Purpose
The space is uniquely positioned within the city to promote and leverage the hospitality and collaboration of one group of church planters to the next. NY Leadership Development Center will offer the following:
A training space
A coworking space
A space for core teams to meet as they develop and strategize
A gathering ground for network and denominational meetings
The NYC Leadership Development Center will exist as a catalytic space to see churches planted and planters equipped with training and community.

Our hope and prayer is for this space to serve as a tool for God's work in our city. We would love for you to be a part of the journey!
Milestones & Development
Phase I: Design & Budgeting
Phase II: Demolition of Existing Structure
Phase III: Breaking Ground
Phase IV: Target Move-In Date (January)
Be Involved
Be Involved
The NY Leadership Development Center will exist for the City to the glory of God. You can be connected to the center’s present and future by covering this process and its fruit in prayer.
Please consider regularly praying for:
The Buildout
The ongoing construction and the protection of the workers involved
The Community Impact
The space’s integration and its positive impact on the surrounding community
Successful Church Planting
The space’s efficacy as a catalyst for successful church planting in NYC
God’s Kingdom
To continue to see God’s Kingdom come here on earth as it is in Heaven!