Incubator Collective
Church Planting Training
Incubator Collective
This two-year program is ideal for equipping fulltime and co-vocational church planters to thrive while ministering in unique urban contexts.
Who is Incubator For?
Who is Incubator For?
The Incubator Collective is a church planting program designed to train church planters and replanters serving in New York City’s five boroughs, as well as New York City-facing urban centers. The program combines elements of City to City’s proven church planting curriculum with new insights from multicultural leaders who understand the nuances of ministry in New York’s boroughs.
Program Structure
Flexible Schedules
Incubator is configured to support full-time and co-vocational church planters working in center city, gentrifying, and marginalized communities.
Theologically Informed Thinking and Praxis
A curriculum that engages the head, heart, and hands, encouraging critical thinking and reflection to deepen your spiritual and cultural awareness and missional engagement.
Gospel Community and Support Resources
A time for planters to get to know each other and bring the challenges they face to the learning community for support and counsel.
Equipping through New Skills and Tools
Sessions will strengthen church planting core competencies with practical tools that planters can apply uniquely to their context.

Ideal Candidates
Native to NYC or have lived in NYC for some time
A strong sense of calling to church planting in NYC
Proven character and integrity
Ministry experience
Affiliation with a denomination, church planting network, or sending church

Frequently Asked Questions
A strong sense of calling to church planting in the greater NYC area
Proven character and integrity
Ministry experience
Affiliation with a denomination, church planting network, or sending church
Able to commit fully to program schedule
Thanks to the generosity of our giving community, Redeemer City to City covers training materials and meals.
However, in order to maximize experience and content implementation, subsidized coaching is required for lead planters within our catchment area. Therefore, a nominal fee is assessed for ongoing participation.
Each training session is preceded by readings, reflection, and field work to prepare you for discussion, application, and practice during the session. Each session is highly interactive. Participants are expected to be prepared for discussions and learning activities.
Each session contains three primary elements:
Gospel community and kingdom prayer
Theological discussion and application
Skill training and practical tools for church planting and ministry
The Incubator Collective program is a two year program. DAY and EVE offerings are based on enrollment, please inquire to see which program is available.
Incubator Collective DAY: Full-time Planters/Pastors, preferably in a center city context
Year one requires participants to engage in three-hour sessions every other Thursday morning from 9am-12pm for seventeen modules from Sep-May.
Year two requires participants to engage in three-hour sessions monthly to bi-monthly on Thursday mornings from 9am-12pm for seven modules from Sep-May.
Incubator Collective EVENING: Bi-vocational Planters/Pastors, preferably in a borough context
Year one requires participants to engage in three-hour sessions every other Thursday evening from 6:45pm-9:45pm for seventeen modules from Sep-May.
Year two requires participants to engage in three-hour sessions monthly to bi-monthly on Thursday evenings from 6:45pm-9:45pm for seven modules from Sep-May.
Incubator Collective (Incubador Grupal) SPANISH: Bi-vocational Planters/Pastors, preferably NYC Metro.
Year one requires participants to engage in three-hour sessions every other Tuesday evening from 6:45pm-9:45pm for seventeen modules from Sep-May.
Year two requires participants to participate in three-hour sessions monthly to bi-monthly on Tuesday evenings from 6:45pm-9:45pm for seven modules from Sep-May.
**All cohorts follow a hybrid model of in person and online sessions. -
This program will require a high commitment level in order to get the most out of it. In return, you will have trainers and a cohort of peers who will support you in your church planting journey.
Please review the expectations below to determine whether the program is right for you.
You plan to plant or are already planting/replanting a new congregation/parish in the greater NYC area. You will make every effort to bring this church planting project to fruition.
If you are not already part of a church planting network or denomination, you will explore possibilities for affiliation and evaluate those opportunities in conjunction with your coach (see #6).
You will take the initiative in regularly updating the Incubator Collective facilitators on the status of your church planting project and all related activities. At any time during the program, if you are unable to continue with this church planting project or if you engage in conduct unbecoming a minister of the gospel (e.g. moral issues), you will inform the facilitators immediately.
You will complete all of the assigned pre-reading and practical projects before arriving at each session.
You will attend each of the Incubator sessions in their entirety. A detailed program calendar will be provided after admission into the program, and you will need to plan ahead to avoid conflicts with the dates provided. More than two absences from these sessions will be grounds for dismissal from the program even if you give advance notice that you will be absent.
You will be paired with a qualified CTC coach. You will meet twice a month with your coach to apply the principles that you are learning in the Incubator modules as you plant your church.
June 30 is the final deadline for candidates to apply for the September cohort. Generally, candidates will be informed of the admission decision at least one month prior to the start date. Admission extensions may be granted in extenuating circumstances. Please send all inquiries about application extensions here.
If you still have questions after reading the program description in its entirety, please contact us, and we’ll do our best to clear up any lingering questions.